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  • Kokondo



    Kokondo is a term which is used to describe a martial art called Kondo Karate. It is also a term used to describe Jukido Jujitsu, the former being developed in 1970 and the latter in 1959.
    Its founding father, Paul Arel, based the art on his initial system of study, Sanzyu Ryu Jujitsu, later enrolling in the marines, he was stationed in Japan and studied a number of different Jujitsu and Karate styles. Following his departure from Kyokushinkai Karate movement, he focussed
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  • Kick Boxing

    Kick Boxing

    Kick Boxing

    Kick boxing is a generic term for a martial art and a martial artist who engages or practices in this form of boxing which includes kicks. Typically, kick boxing, the sport as fought in competitions usually does not allow elbow or knee strikes, head butting locking or throwing. Although there are many forms of kick boxing, technically including Sanda Chinese Kick Boxing, Shoot Boxing, a Japanese form, Yaw Yan a Pilipino form, Muay Thai the Thai version, Pradal Serey, the
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  • Model Mugging / Impact

    Model Mugging / Impact

    Model Mugging sometimes known as Impact

    A self defence based system of teaching, primarily aimed at women, this system was developed after a high profile rape and beating in 1971 of a female, black belt martial artist in Palo Alto.
    The underlying philosophy of the art is the aim to emancipate women from the myth of fragility. It is a hybrid system that is constantly developing; absorbing techniques from a range of martial arts. The focus on this art is placed upon what is known
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  • Neko Ryu Goshinjitsu

    Neko Ryu Goshinjitsu

    Neko Ryu Goshinjitsu

    We have little information on the legendary founder of the concept on which this art was based, Nakabiyashi Sensei, who developed the cat style self defence movement for Japanese businessmen.
    It is said these businessmen were able to learn the system reasonably effectively within a four hour timeframe. The teachings eventually made their way into the U.S. Marine Core training programme. One marine in particular, Ernie Cates, also known as Professor Cates,
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  • Wen-Do



    Wen-Do is not considered by practitioners to be a martial art form, but rather an organisation dedicated to practising various self defence techniques for women.
    Its central philosophy is to draw from all martial arts and engender women with knowledge, skills, self defence ability and personal power, celebrating survival and a resistance to injustice.
    This feminist organisation is by virtue of the fact that its core philosophy is the training of self defence techniques
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  • Shen Lung Kung Fu

    Shen Lung Kung Fu

    Shen Lung Kung Fu

    In alignment with the traditional Chinese virtuous characteristics the ultimate aim of Shen Lung practitioners is to encapsulate the spirit of a priest and the mind of a scholar in the body of a warrior. Unlike the traditional
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  • Progressive Fighting System (PFS)

    Progressive Fighting System (PFS)

    Progressive Fighting System (PFS)

    The progressive fighting system is a version of Jeet Kune Do known for its heavy use of head butts, knees and elbows delivered at extreme close quarters. Pilipino stick and knife techniques are also heavily relied upon for training. Training methodology, as opposed to technique is considered more important and the training of multiple combinations areconsidered the most effective way to neutralise an opponent.

    Simplicity is also another
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  • Jeet Kune Do

    Jeet Kune Do

    Jeet Kune Do

    Jeet Kune Do is also commonly known as Jun San Jeet Kune Do. The art developed and promoted by Bruce Lee, is a hybrid style whose movements are direct, non classical and straightforward and known influences include boxing, fencing, Wing Chun and Judo.
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  • American Kempo

    American Kempo

    American Kempo

    American Kempo or Kempo Karate is characterised by successions of quick fire movements designed to disable and overwhelm opponents.
    The training syllabus is very similar to that of other Chinese Kung fu systems of Southern origin such as Choy Li Fut and Hung Gar.

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  • Limalama



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  • Combato and Defendo

    Combato and Defendo

    Combato and Defendo

    Developed by Bill Underwood and taught to a Canadian and taught to American soldiers during WW2, the two systems are very similar and up until 1945, Bill Underwood taught his unique system of striking and Jiu-Jitsu style grappling and then after the war changed the name of the system to Defendo.
    He removed the techniques that were aimed at causing permanent injury or death and focussed the system more on techniques of restraint. These basic changes...
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  • American Combat Judo

    American Combat Judo

    American Combat Judo

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  • Defendu



    Developed by William E Fairborn is fighting form of close quarter, hand to hand combat system that is not regarded as a martial art or a sport but more a systemised method of ending physical confrontation as quickly as possible.
    Fairbarn borrowed heavily, from his training at the famed Kodokan School in Tokyo adding many techniques from Jiu-Jitsu, and added with it practical experience of hand to hand fighting gained while serving in the Shanghai Municipal Police in China,
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  • ValeTudo



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  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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