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Weighting on your feet

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  • Weighting on your feet

    Something that we are focusing a lot on within Sifu Crudellis training this month is where to focus you weight on your feet and how to use your mind to obtain a good rooting / grounding feeling within stance work.

    It appears to have differences to aikido training which has led me to be curious on:

    What exercises do you have / ideas do you use around where you place your weight through your feet and how does it help within your training?

  • #2
    In martial arts, focusing on where you place your weight on your feet is essential for balance, grounding, and power. The goal is often to keep the weight distributed evenly, or slightly forward on the balls of your feet, while maintaining contact with the ground through your heels. This stance ensures both mobility and stability, creating a solid foundation for movement and defense. By fine-tuning where your weight sits, you enhance your ability to stay grounded while being ready to react.

    Mental focus plays a significant role in achieving proper rooting. Visualization techniques, such as imagining roots growing from your feet deep into the earth, help develop a strong connection between mind and body. This approach improves proprioception, which is your awareness of body position and balance, crucial in martial arts. By engaging the mind, you can create a deeper sense of stability, improving overall stance work and responsiveness during training.

    Exercises like standing meditation, horse stance practice, and Tai Chi balance drills are great for improving weight distribution and rooting. These exercises teach you to shift your weight consciously and find balance between mobility and stability. While other arts, like Aikido, focus more on dynamic shifting, grounding exercises help establish a powerful, stable base before movement, which is essential in many martial styles.

    Witamina E - rola w organizmie i źródła - MediPakiet

