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Hi kelvin thanks for introducing yourself, sounds like you have a long history in the arts! Your comments and posts here will be very meaningful. I look forward to reading them.
I'm Rob,
I started with wado ryu back in the late 80s, and had the great pleasure of learning a little from Dave Rowe, who is amazing. He was the first guy I ever felt real use of chi from in combat. I didn't really know what it was at the time, but I could feel his energy was unique and powerful. I discovered recently he is now a 9th dan wado ryu and a master in t'ai chi. go figure.
So along the way I picked up some goju ryu, shotokan, shaolin, ba gua, and ju jitsu.
Having started with wado ryu I was open to other styles, and less formal moves, doing what works etc. It really is a great style of karate.
At university I founded our first competition karate team, with a group of ringers - the kung fu, tae kwon do, wado, shotokan and kickboxing instructors from campus (and me at lowly blue belt) - we had a blast training together and learning a lot for a few years there. Shortly after that I developed atrial fibrillation and couldn't do the hard training of karate any more. I was gutted.
In 1995 I found t'ai chi - initially Wu form, and later practised Yang form with buddhist monks in Brighton for many years. I have been doing t'ai chi in the garden for over 25 years now, and I practise it subtly in everything I do. In recent years I have transferred to the Daoist society where I study their unique form developed by Master Moy.
I have used T'ai chi on a number of occasions to stop fights before they even happened - humour, misdirection, possessing space, all kinds of witchy stuff. It's the most powerful basis of living and martial practise. Anyone who excels in a martial art will eventually discover its appeal and power. Thanks Chris for bringing awareness of it to martial artists everywhere. You're doing a great service to humanity mate.
Looking forward to reading more stories and seeing how this develops.
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Hi All,
I'm Linda
I have been studying Aikido with the British Ki society for the last 17 years, i started doing a bit of training with this in Europe last year.
I have decided it's time to diversify my studies and train in other arts. After meeting Sifu Chris Crudelli and his compass students last year, I have also started training with them this year. This is in Kung Fu but brings together students from all different arts and been a great learning experience so far.
I am looking for to us all learning from each other.
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Tell us your name ...........Andre
What art(s) you practice .............American Kenpo
How long you've been practicing ...............6 months
Anything else you want to share! ................Started at the age of 50, have been a martial arts fan since the 70s
Post a picture if you're feeling lavish ........... not so much yet !!!!
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Hi guys im Ade ive been training and teaching in Mugnedo for 30 years , also in Thai boxing also trained with Sifu Chris Crudelli for the last 10 yeras in Kung Fu ,ABC Combat system ,Thai Chi ,i also study and practice Healing energy for 10 years ,Reiki which im 3rd degree. This is great site and honored to share this space . Be free train hard,love great . ;-)
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Tell us your name Kelvin Cushman
What art(s) you practice Traditional Karate & Combatives
How long you've been practicing 37 Years
Anything else you want to share!
Post a picture if you're feeling lavish
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Hi, I'm Paul Nulty, Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach & Martial Artist, based in North Ayrshire, Scotland. I started out as a gymnast age 5-12, I then got in to Shotokan Karate 1986 and then in my early 20's got in to JKD and Filipino Kali with a few other Mixed Martial Arts around 1998, Also got hooked on Chris Crudelli's Mind Body Kick Ass Moves T.V. Show which I think was on TV around about the same time, (best ever T.V. programme in all of history), Thanks for bringing this to us when you did Chris, it was so inspiring for me, and I'm sure for many others also.
I feel like I've developed good strong foundations in MMA, However; my personal skill progress has been very slow due to intermittent lower back issues over the years which also affected my mental health, Thankfully though, I was able to overcome my back issues and improve over-all Mind Body Wellness after discovering Reiki in 2015, Since then I have been working a lot on self healing practising both Reiki & Qigong while drilling through some of the basics, now I have a keen interest in Shaolin Qigong, Kung Fu and various other styles.
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I retired when I was 30 and was a full time kung fu teacher for ten years. I returned back to employment and now Manage a Social Work Team across the South East of the UK.
I have been lucky to have gained extensive knowledge by travelling through out the world practicing and researching martial arts and self defence concepts and applications. Travels have taken me to to China, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, Thailand, Europe and America. I have both worked and trained in India and America. I return to China regularly to train and also take students with me. Training at the famed Shalon temple is an amazing experience, physically, mentally and spiritually.
]In parallel to this, I have studied and taught internal martial arts specifically directed to health, vitality and fitness. This also includes the study of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Shiatsu massage, a form of oriental healing and well being. I have been involved in the study and practice of shiatsu since 1995 and is a registered member of the Shiatsu Society, the governing body for Shiatsu in the UK.[
I believe that there is a natural progression with martial arts which leads to a greater understanding of the human body. I therefore combine the understanding of Shiatsu, acupuncture and Kung fu which blends to a sensitive mixture of effective martial and healing techniques.
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